Vexcel Imaging Receives Creative Content Award at 2023 Esri Partner Conference


Vexcel Imaging received the Creative Content Award at the 2023 Esri Partner Conference (EPC) held in Palm Springs, California March 4–6, 2023. They presented this award to Vexcel Data Program, a business unit of Vexcel Imaging, for delivering exceptional creative content to ArcGIS users. The Vexcel Data Program is the largest aerial imagery program in the world, collecting high-resolution imagery and geospatial data in 25+ countries.


Local authorities use Esri GIS to modernise planning


They have developed several projects to address typical challenges encountered in planning, such as enhancing community engagement, optimizing the use of 3D visualizations, and streamlining developer contributions. Nottingham City Council conducted a pilot project that showed the effectiveness of 3D visualizations integrated with other existing data to enable the simultaneous assessment of constraints and effects. Stephen Croney, the Head of Sector for Land, Property, and Planning at Esri UK, explained that these pilot projects explore digital approaches to common challenges faced by local planning authorities, all aimed at making the planning process more efficient and user-friendly. ArcGIS Hub, Esri UK’s community engagement platform, was used to create the pilot project, which keeps citizens informed through social media and asks for their feedback on the primary planning concerns within their community. Esri UK’s clients include the Environment Agency, Ordnance Survey, the NHS, and over 200 local authorities in England and Wales.


Esri Joins the Overture Maps Foundation to Help Build Interoperable Open Map Data


Overture Maps Foundation aims to create open map data that is reliable, user-friendly, and interoperable. The foundation will collaborate with other open data projects, such as OpenStreetMap, to achieve this goal. Members of the foundation will contribute data and technology to create comprehensive, accurate, and customizable real-world map data available under an open data license. Overture’s mission also involves incorporating high-quality geospatial data from cities and local governments to provide maximum benefits to all users of Overture data, including government organizations and their constituents. We can access the Overture data through Esri’s ArcGIS software and other services.
